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Abuse victims can access the U visa

On Behalf of | Jul 11, 2023 | Immigration And Naturalization

Immigrants who have been victims of past abuse can access a special U visa. This visa can help you to legally live and work in New Jersey. This special visa was established by Congress via the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act. Immigrants from many different nations have since used the U visa to find a new home in the United States.

Who is eligible for the U visa?

Eligibility for the U visa is not contingent on race, sex, age, ethnicity, or nationality. The process of immigration via the U visa can be initiated if you are a victim of certain crimes. These include but are not limited to:

  • Illegal abduction
  • Being held hostage
  • Sexual trafficking
  • Foreign labor fraud
  • Slavery
  • Prostitution

What factors can speed up the process?

Your application for a U visa may be subject to faster processing under certain conditions. It may be the case that you have suffered a great deal of emotional or physical stress and abuse. You may be suffering from a physical disability due to this abuse.

You may also have information that can be provided concerning this criminal activity. In this case, you can assist with the prosecution. It may also be that you were already helpful to law enforcement in investigating or prosecuting these crimes.

If you are under 16 and unable to provide this information, a parent, guardian, or friend can do so on your behalf. The crime must be one that occurred in the U.S. or one that constitutes a direct violation of U.S. law.

What if you are not admissible?

You will need to show proof that you are eligible for admission to the U.S. All of the various qualifying documents must be provided when you apply for your visa. If you are not currently admissible, you can apply for a waiver. This can be done by filling out Form I-192, Application for Advance Permission to Enter as a Nonimmigrant.
